Hughes Family Reunion

Sept 2 - 4, 2022

Detroit, Michigan

A three day retreat for Family...Fun...and Fellowship

Meet & Greet

Fri Sept 2, 2022

5 pm - 9 pm

Day at the Park

Sat Sept 3, 2002

10 am - Until

Luncheon Cruise

Sun Sept 4, 2022

12 Noon - 2 pm

After the Cruise

Detroit Jazz Festival & Arts Beats and Eats will be jamming until midnight and Labor Day Monday

This event is being planned to reunite the many descendants of the Hughes Family. While this reunion is the first in many years, it is surely not the last, only the beginning! Please, Spread the word, and do your ABSOLUTE Best to join us!

Reunion Planning Committee:

Basheerah Abdullah 248-761-6373

Juan Turner 313-702-3882

Chris Hughes 231-250-2194

Vicki Rogers 678-860-5683

Lilly Hughes 810-394-2315

Hope to see you soon!